Burn out can be very sneaky. You tend to start feeling tired, gradually drinking more coffee to make up for the fatigue, and stress increases until you reach a point of fighting to get out of bed in the morning and you wonder how did I get here?!
Here are some signs you may be experiencing burn out:
- you lack motivation
- you are always tired/feeling fatigued/drained
- very emotional
- constant high stress and anxiety
- you find it hard to relax
- you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning for work
- you procrastinate more often
- you are start feeling emotionally numb
- increased headaches
- increase in negative thoughts/cynicism
If you relate to most of these signs, I highly recommend reaching out to a therapist to relieve stress and start recovering from burnout as soon as possible. I offer free 15 minute consultations on my contact us page. In the meantime increase self care drastically (check out my blog post on self care ideas).