Hello! I'm Vanessa. I am a Registered Counsellor specialized in helping women overcome people pleasing habits and low self worth/self esteem. I am a Highly Sensitive Person and have been through my own personal healing journey, and continue to work on myself each and everyday. I am passionate about helping other Highly Sensitive Women do the same. I LOVE working with HSP's!
Professionally and academically, I am a member in good standing with the Canadian College of Professional Counsellors and Psychotherapists and also a member of the Canadian Professional Counsellors Association. In addition, I am a Certified Meditation Teacher. I love to learn and will continue to be a life long learner because this is my life's work, my calling, and I absolutely love what I do!
As far as counselling style, my approach is integrative, (drawing mostly from psychodynamic, mindfulness, inner child healing and cognitive behavioral therapy). I am flexible with my modalities as each person is different and I like to have as many "tools in my tool box" to fit your individual needs. I also have a holistic approach taking into consideration all aspects of an individual, spiritual, physical, mental, psychological and emotional and working deeper to address the underlying root cause.
If you are wondering what it is like to work with me, I have been described as warm and inviting, comfortable to be around, a good listener, supportive, nurturing, humble, caring, understanding, empathetic, compassionate and non- judgmental. Which is exactly what I want my clients to experience when they work with me, because I know this is so important for true healing to take place. Prior to becoming a counsellor, I worked in the dental field. My hobbies include yoga, horses, meditation, plant based cooking, camping and spending time with my family and french bulldog, "Coolie".
If you choose to work with me, it would be an honor to support you!
Other areas I have worked and have experience in include the following:
- Motor Vehicle Accident Trauma
- Religious Trauma
- Insomnia
- Chronic Pain and Illness
- Grief
- Prenatal/ Post Partum Depression and Anxiety and Fertility issues
- Sexual Assault Trauma
- Infidelity/ Betrayal Trauma
- Relationship issues
- Anger issues
- Support for siblings who have a family member that is transitioning